Molded-case circuit breakers (MCCB) with adjustable settings, rated from 16 to 630 A, ideal for applications in small to medium-sized buildings.
EasyPact CVS range is the easy choice for quality and value.
Designed to meet the requirements of the majority of common protection applications in small to medium-sized buildings, EasyPact CVS circuit breakers deliver a high level of performance and cost-saving functionality that is unusual in their price range.
LV510300 LV510310 LV510320 LV510334 LV510344
LV510300P LV510310P LV510321 LV510334P LV510344P
LV510301 LV510311 LV510322 LV510335 LV510345
LV510301P LV510311P LV510323 LV510335P LV510345P
LV510302 LV510312 LV510324 LV510336 LV510346
LV510302P LV510312P LV510325 LV510336P LV510346P
LV510303 LV510313 LV510326 LV510337 LV510347
LV510303P LV510313P LV510327 LV510337P LV510347P
LV510304 LV510314 LV510330 LV510340 LV510350
LV510304P LV510314P LV510330P LV510340P LV510351
LV510305 LV510315 LV510331 LV510341 LV510352
LV510305P LV510315P LV510331P LV510341P LV510353
LV510306 LV510316 LV510332 LV510342 LV510354
LV510306P LV510316P LV510332P LV510342P LV510355
LV510307 LV510317 LV510333 LV510343 LV510356
LV510307P LV510317P LV510333P LV510343P LV510357