Frame circuit breaker, also known as universal circuit breaker, has all its components installed in an insulated metal frame. It is often an open type and can be equipped with various accessories, making it convenient to replace contacts and components. Frame circuit breakers are mainly used for power terminal main switches, suitable for distribution networks with AC 50Hz, rated voltage of 380V, 660V, and rated current of 200A-6300A. It is mainly used for distributing electrical energy and protecting lines and power equipment from the hazards of overload, undervoltage, short circuit and other faults.
Steps and methods for selecting frame circuit breakers
Determine the usage environment and protection requirements: Firstly, it is necessary to clarify which type of circuit the framework circuit breaker will be used for (such as distribution, motor protection, household, etc.), and select the appropriate circuit breaker type based on specific needs.
Calculate rated current: Calculate the required rated current based on the load condition of the circuit. The rated current range of the frame circuit breaker is 200A-6300A, ensuring that the selected circuit breaker can meet the maximum load demand of the circuit.
Consider protection function: The frame circuit breaker has four protection functions: long delay, short delay, instantaneous, and ground fault. Select circuit breakers with corresponding protection functions according to specific application scenarios.
Choose the appropriate type of release: There are several types of overcurrent release for frame circuit breakers, including electromagnetic, electronic, and intelligent. Choose the appropriate type of release according to specific needs.
Consider additional features: Based on the needs, a framework circuit breaker with multiple intelligent protection functions and area selective interlocking functions can be selected to improve the reliability and safety of the system.
Characteristics and applicable scenarios of different types of frame circuit breakers
Distribution frame circuit breaker: mainly used for power main circuit breakers and load branch circuit breakers, suitable for distributing electrical energy and protecting lines and power equipment in low-voltage power grids.
Motor protection type frame circuit breaker: used to protect motors from overload and short circuit, suitable for control switches of large capacity motors.
Household protective frame circuit breaker: used for protecting the main power supply and branch lines in household power supply, ensuring automatic tripping and cutting off of power supply in case of short circuit or overload.