Eaton's 38 kV VCP-Wind compact vacuum circuit breakers use Eaton’s industry-leading vacuum interrupting technology. Eaton’s vacuum interrupters are free of SF6 gas, which poses environmental and safety concerns. Breakers are designed to reliably switch high stress currents, and require no cooling or ventilation systems. They are encapsulated in epoxy resin material and are designed to require virtually no maintenance. Ideal for wind farm collector substations.
30% smaller than the traditional 38 kV VCP-W breaker.
Self-aligning and coupling primary and secondary disconnecting devices.
Trip-free interlocks prevent moving a closed breaker into and out of the connect position.
Closing springs automatically discharge before moving the breaker out of the enclosure.
Coding pins ensure that only breakers of the correct rating can be inserted into the enclosure.
Three distinct latched positions: disconnect, test and connect.
Fuse assemblies automatically ground when in the disconnect position.
Epoxy spouts are designed to accommodate the mounting of six sets of C200 class current transformers per phase in the front breaker compartment.
All units have been fully tested in accordance with IEEE C37.20.2.