The Eaton medium-voltage VCP-W circuit breaker is renowned for its ease of handling and maintenance. This OEM-friendly product is ideal for short-circuit protection and has numerous design variations to ensure all possible applications are supported. Eaton’s patented flexible conductor system features fewer moving parts, which reduces friction and wear associated with rolling/sliding designs, and increases product lifespan. The VCP-W circuit breaker is the standard in reliability, control and protection for electrical equipment and circuits.
C2 class capacitor switch ratings
Tin-plated pole units for resilience in harsh environment applications
Maintenance-free Eaton vacuum interrupters with visual contact erosion indicators
Glass polyester insulators
Epoxy insulators (included with type VCP-WSE breakers)
Trip-free interlocks that prevent moving a closed circuit breaker into or out of the connect position
Provisions for manual charging of closing spring
Operations counter
Closing spring charged/ discharged indicator
Circuit breaker open/closed indicator
Spring charging motor, close coil, trip coil, latch check switch, and anti-pump relay
Cut-out visual wipe spring indicator
Primary and secondary fully automatic disconnects
Ground contact finger assembly
Auxiliary switch with 2A/3B spare contacts